28 April 2010

What I did today...

Semalam, tak tidur langsung. Got this thing called Delayed Sleep-Phase Syndrome (DSPS). Google it to know more. :D . Lepas teman Mai pergi sekolah pagi tadi, terus naik atas.. Then, tunggu Papa habis mandi (punya la lama -.-"). Sebaik sja Papa keluar bathroom, I attacked him! I said :

Me: Papa, bole tak hantar Mun pi rumah Mija sat?
Papa: Hang nak wat pa pi sana pagi2 buta ni?
Me: Dia ajak pi AP..
Papa: Hmmmmm... okay, tp kna cpat la. Pa nk pi rheja dh ni.

So, I ran to my room, fetch my towel, and showered for an amazing 5 minutes! Gila kn? Hahaa... Beberapa minit kemudian, bup bap bup bap, dah tiba di umh Mija... Lepak disana for about, 2 hours, then at 9.30, we walk to AP. Setibanya di AP, we meet up with Akak. She wants to search for some new shoes, but sadly, couldn't find one. Huhu. After the "tawwaf" aroung AP, we got hungry and ate at McD. Saya hanya minum kopi McD yang sedap, beraroma, dan berperisa kopi.
(mmg la kopi kne rasa kopi.. xkn ttibe rsa rendang kot) Anyways, Akak tpaksa balik awal. So Mija and me went to TS. Oh! BTW, I bought some t-shirts di AP. Ada SALE beli 3 for RM50. Cute2 je designs shirt tu. :D .

Sambung cte. G TS of course naik LRT. When we arrived there, we just jalan2 buang masa saja. Lepas dah puas b'jalan, kami pulang ke rumah Mija. Disitu, kami menonton (I know its not the right word) Mija's new kitties. 3 of her cat got pregnant, and all of them gave birth around the same time. Imagine that..

Anyways, bila campur2 smua kitties dlm rumah Mija, they all total up to 14 kitties!! CUUUUUTTTTEEEE!! Mija wants me to take some of them. So, I chose 2 grey jantans. Hehe. Wallahualam they will stay alive or not when I came to get them. Tak boleh amik the kitties yet, cz all of then tak celik mata lagi.. Hahaa.. The names for the kitties I've chosen? Its Scrapper and Sunny.(
Thnks for the awesome names bf.. :)). And.. tidak pasti lah ibuku membenarkanku menjaga kucing2 itu atau tidak. Cz, Mama kn...has this allergy on cats. :(

Dah puas hati tengok kucing Mija, call Papa suh amik lepas dia habis kreja. Lama gila tunggu. Adela about 4hours tunggu kat rumah dia. Nasib baik rapat dengan family dia. Kalau tak mesti dah kena halau. Haha! Sampai je di rumah, mandi, rehat sat, online sini online sana, and now... gua mau tido! Had a tiring day today. And I need my rest. So, adios amigos!

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