22 May 2011

An evening with the whole family

السلام عليكم

So, mama thought of a family gathering (kite-kite jee), and it came out to be today! :D I really like family gatherings. Especially when it involves kite-kite jee (mama's adik-beradik). What I mostly don't like about gatherings are the tiring before and afters. This includes:

Cleaning the house:
- moping the living room floor
- cleaning the living room
- wiping all the tables in the house
- rearranging the furniture (to provide space for the food and diners)
- moping the living room floor, again

- moping the floor
- cleaning the living room
- wiping all the tables in the house
- rearranging the furniture (to it's original placement)
- moping the living room floor, again

- main dish
- entre'
- desert
- drinks
and all are categorized to children and adult menu.

It is tiring mann! Walaupun many of the stuff listed above mama yang buat. *evil laugh*. But, all cons come with its pros. The pros are; you will be guaranteed to have a splendid time with your family. You can eratkan the silaturrahim with every family member. And, you will feel this satisfied feeling that runs in your blood. Nonetheless, gatherings are a great way to spend those masa yang terluang and tak tau nak buat apa.

Oh! And after today's gathering, I tersleep on the couch and tak sedar for 5 hours. Bangun bangun je, the house is already cleaned. Yes, mama yang kemas. You are great mama! 

Enjoy the pictures I've shot ;)



Roti Jala. The before..

Roti Jala. The after..

Hana and Sarah looking cute.
Mar want's to kill me using a spatula.

*p.s. Awat laaa banyak sangat nyamuk kat living room ni?!?!?!

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